• Academics

National Curriculum of England

National Curriculum of England

‘At IBS we follow the British National Curriculum which forms the foundation of our curriculum – we make the necessary adjustments to it according to the social, moral, geographical and historical requirements of the host country. In class our highly skilled teachers make further modifications to the curriculum to match the individual student’s needs.’

‘We have a topic-based approach to the foundation subjects taught in our Primary section. The individual subject curriculum plans are available below – please note that we have blended these curriculum plans to create a topic-based approach. All necessary adjustments to these plans have been made according to the social, moral, geographical and historical requirements of the host country. In class our highly skilled teachers make further modifications to the curriculum to match the individual student’s needs. You can find the original British Government curriculum plans below:

* Please note that we have made modifications to these original curriculums

Year 1- Year 12

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